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Human Trafficking: A Jewish Response

Sharing the wonderful words of Torah delivered from the pulpit of B’nai Keshet in Montclair, New Jersey by my daughter on the occasion of her bat mitzvah: Listen carefully to this story from the Talmud: Two people are traveling in the wilderness, and only one of them has a canteen … CONTINUE READING
This is what kvelling looks like.
Film Review: Wadjda
Originally published in The Forward. The Muslim Film Every Bat Mitzvah Girl Should See By Daniel S. Brenner “Wadjda,” the first feature film shot in Saudi Arabia, seems an unlikely fit for a b’nai mitzvah curriculum. Haifaa al-Mansour’s film about a plucky Muslim tween girl in Riyadh whose greatest … CONTINUE READING
Address to Adath Jeshurun, Minnetonka, Minnesota
Shabbat Shalom. First off, I want to express my gratitude to three men who made it possible for me to wake up in Minnesota. Lon Rosenfeld, who called me in my office in New York and said that I had to come. Rabbi Kravitz, who welcomed me to the bima … CONTINUE READING
Questioning Darwin
I’ve got a new essay running up on the Huffington Post. You can find it here if you’d like to read it and all the bizarre commentaries that follow it. Or for the text, see below… “If I started talking about science from the pulpit,” a seasoned Methodist minister sitting … CONTINUE READING